GPKDI House of Truth

by PT Pilar Dinamika Integra



The Charismatic Pentecostal Church in Indonesia (GPKdI) The House of Truth is a local church that tries to live up to the spirit of kinship in it.This dynamic church located in the residential area of ​​Bojong Indah, Cengkareng was pioneered by the late. Rev. Daniel Oey Kusnadi on January 6, 1980 by occupying the house of a congregation. The development of the ministry at that time made Pdt. Daniel Kusnadi moved the place of worship by renting the Trinity school building as a place of worship and finally built a church building on a plot of land for social facilities in the Bojong Indah housing estate.By the grace of God through the leadership of Rev. Johanes M. Chandra, who has been a pastor since 1990, this church continues to grow and even develop services through the world of education by establishing Harapan Lestari School which has education levels ranging from Playgroups (KB) to Junior High Schools (SMP).The wheels of service and leadership continued to spin dynamically until the leadership relay was handed over to Pdt. Nathanael Sunaryanto since 2011 until now.GPKdI The House of Truth exists to be a church that brings people to connect with God, connect with others and connect with the lost.